Our career maps are working on data analysis of tens of thousands of real CV profiles. You will see how people with similar experiences, education and personality as you have progressed in their careers and what skills they needed.
START MY JOURNEY75% of graduates do not have a clear idea of what job role they are suitable for.
2/3rds of graduates leave their first job within 6 months.
People who make the right choice for their career path are 8 times more productive and happier.
We'll show you where you stand in your career now, what crossroads your current position represents and where you can move. Through career paths, you will get an overview of where your career journey can go.
EXPLORE YOUR CAREER MAPWe will help you plan the necessary career steps to get the job you desire. We will calculate the time you need and advise you on what skills, education or experience you might need to acquire on your career path.
START NAVIGATIONSet the criteria you care about and use the power of predictive career models. They will save you time and help you avoid making the wrong decisions during a job search. It will ensure that your journey leads quickly to the goal or is simply rich in the experience.